Select * From 1vpaly2vf-wmzjm8yjd9gd8hzzkkdkcbvu81li-pb Where Col2 = '435'

Are you an experienced Google Sheets user? Then you probably know how to link data between multiple spreadsheets and use the IMPORTRANGE function for that. Meanwhile, experts do better. They combine IMPORTRANGE with QUERY and manipulate the imported dataset at the same time. If you want to join the experts and improve your Google Sheets skills – welcome to this blog post.

IMPORTRANGE function explained

The IMPORTRANGE function allows you to import a data range from a specified spreadsheet.


  • spreadsheet_url – insert the URL of the spreadsheet to import data from. For example,

Alternatively, you can use the spreadsheet ID instead of the entire URL

  • range_string – insert a string that specifies the data range for the import. For example, Sheet1!A1:C13. The string consists of the sheet_name! and the range.
    • range – specify the range of cells to import.
    • sheet_name! – specify this parameter if you are not importing data from the first sheet of the document.

IMPORTRANGE formula example

We have a database in the spreadsheet called Orders from Airtable. Let's import all the values in the columns E to I. Here is the formula for this:

=IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!E1:I21")
  • IMPORTRANGE formula example

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Check out our Google IMPORTRANGE Tutorial to learn more.

QUERY function explained

The QUERY function lets you manipulate data while importing it from another sheet. You can select, filter, sort, and do other manipulations.

QUERY syntax

  • data_range – insert a range of cells to query. data_range may include columns with boolean, numeric, or string values. If a column contains different data types, QUERY will pick the majority data type as the column data type.
  • query_string – insert a string made using clauses of the Google API Query Language. Alternatively, you can refer to a cell that contains the query_string (in this case, avoid double quotation marks both in the QUERY formula and the query_string).

Optionally, you can enhance the QUERY formula with a part that defines the number of headers in your data range. In this case, the QUERY syntax will be the following:


One header row is used by default.

QUERY formula example

Let's use the data range that we imported using IMPORTRANGE in the previous example and do the following manipulations:

  • Select columns A, D and E.
  • Filter out the products with a total price of more than $50.
  • Order the outcome by quantity in ascending order.
  • Change the A column header from "Product" to "Sandwich name".

Here is the QUERY formula to do that:

=QUERY('IMPORTRANGE example'!A:E,"select A,D,E where E>50 order by D label A 'Sandwich name'")
  • QUERY formula example

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Though QUERY is a powerful function, it has a drawback: it only works within a spreadsheet. So, you can grab data from one sheet to another, but you can't query another spreadsheet. The combination of QUERY+IMPORTRANGE is meant to handle this issue.

We blogged about this function in "Google Sheets Query"

Using QUERY and IMPORTRANGE together

When you apply QUERY and IMPORTRANGE together, you can query a data range in another spreadsheet (or multiple spreadsheets).

If you need a quick insight into using QUERY+IMPORTRANGE, check out this part of the IMPORTRANGE video tutorial by Railsware Product Academy. The needed timestamp is already setup:)


=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet_url", "data_range"), "query_string")
  • spreadsheet_url – insert the URL of the spreadsheet to import data from.
  • data_range – insert a range of cells to query.
  • query_string – insert a string made using clauses of the Google API Query Language.

Optionally, you can enhance the formula with a part that defines the number of headers in your data range. In this case, the syntax will be the following:

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet_url", "data_range"), "query_string", [headers])

One header row is used by default.

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

Let's repeat the examples above but using only one formula. So, we need to:

  • import a data set from the spreadsheet called Orders from Airtable.
  • do a few manipulations with it:
    • Select columns A, D and E.
    • Filter out the products with a total price of more than $50.
    • Order the outcome by quantity in ascending order
    • Change the A column header from "Product" to "Sandwich name".

Here is the formula:

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!E1:I21"),   "select Col1,Col4,Col5 where Col5>50 order by Col4 label Col1 'Sandwich name'")
  • QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

All orders!E1:I21 is our target data_range. During the import, the column reference will change as follows:

E to A, or simply Column #1 – Col1

F to B, or simply Column #2 – Col2

G to C, or simply Column #3 – Col3

H to D, or simply Column #4 – Col4

I to E, or simply Column #5 – Col5

That's why we recommend you apply Col reference in your QUERY formulas to avoid errors.

You can check out the formula example in this tab.


  • on the G Suite Marketplace

If QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formulas are not for you, check out an alternative way to import data from spreadsheets – This is a Google Sheets add-on that you can integrate with different apps and sources, such as Airtable, Xero, CSV, and so on.

What you will definitely love about is its automatic data refresh. You can customize a schedule, and your imported data will be updated automatically. This is crucial when you are building complex dashboards and live reports. Here is what you need to do to import data from another spreadsheet:

  • Install from the G Suite Marketplace.
  • Set up a Google Sheets importer:
    • Connect to your Google account
    • Enter the spreadsheet URL/ID to export data from.
    • Additionally you can specify the sheets to merge, as well as a data range.
  • Set up the Destination
    • Type in the name of your sheet.
  • Configure Settings
    • Enable and customize the Automatic data refresh.
    • Pick the import mode (append or replace)
    • Add a column specifying the date of the last data refresh.
  • Click Save & Run to save the parameters and run the initial import.
  • Run the importer and welcome your data.

Take a look at the data set imported with the Google Sheets importer from the Orders from Airtable spreadsheet:

  • Data set imported with the Google Sheets importer

What you can do with IMPORTRANGE+QUERY functions (real-life formula examples)

Now, let's discover what a combination of IMPORTRANGE and QUERY can provide. Orders from Airtable will be our data source spreadsheet. All the rest is the magic of QUERY language clauses.

  • Orders from Airtable

Import a specific range of data with the select QUERY clause

The select QUERY clause allows you to choose exactly which columns you want to pull. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Select.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9")
  • Import a specific range of data with the select QUERY clause

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Import data from multiple spreadsheets and combine it into one

You can import data from multiple Google spreadsheets with the same columns structure and merge them together using QUERY + IMPORTRANGE. For this, you need to wrap several IMPORTRANGE functions in curly braces {} and separate them by either commas (to merge data horizontally) or semicolons (to merge data vertically).

QUERY + IMPORTRANGE formula syntax to merge spreadsheets horizontally:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet1_url", "data_range"),IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet2_url", "data_range"),IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet3_url", "data_range"),..}, "query_string")

QUERY + IMPORTRANGE formula syntax to merge spreadsheets vertically:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet1_url"; "data_range"),IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet2_url"; "data_range"),IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet3_url"; "data_range");..}, "query_string")

data_range must contain the same column range for each spreadsheet_url, whereas the number of rows may differ.

IMPORTANT: Before importing data from multiple spreadsheets, you'll have to make data imports from each spreadsheet separately to allow access. Otherwise, you'll get #VALUE! Error: in ARRAY_LITERAL, an Array Literal was missing values for one or more rows .

  • Error: in ARRAY_LITERAL, an Array Literal was missing values for one or more rows

The reason is quite simple: when you IMPORTRANGE data from a particular spreadsheet for the first time, the formula requests to allow access: you need to click on a small button popped up from the cell. .

  • IMPORTRANGE #REF! Allow access

But there is no such button when you do it for several sources. Check out our blog post Why IMPORTRANGE Is Not Working to handle other errors.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet#1, Orders from Airtable.
  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet#2, Orders from Airtable#2.
  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet#3, Orders from Airtable#3.
  • Skip the first row when exporting data from spreadsheets #2 and #3.

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("1PuEsRXSShgbBKiz-6uxP6OGeS9kBHW0d-rpUAaMl2_g","All orders!A1:I21"); IMPORTRANGE("1z2yS9uY5Zpp01qZ_opbaO7SnnehS9rknAZlJozXA7G4","All orders!A2:I21"); IMPORTRANGE("1iUwZDui3Q6mBpswPuU7e9NdvKwNGRA9A3JAhqFDMFbk","All orders!A2:I21")}, "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9")

Once we allowed access to the final spreadsheet, our formula for multiple sources immediately worked.

  • Import data from multiple spreadsheets and combine it into one

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Import data from multiple spreadsheets with

Let's pull data from these three spreadsheets using For this, you'll need to set up three Google Sheets importers for each spreadsheet with the following parameters:

Google Sheets importer #1:
  • Spreadsheet URL: 1PuEsRXSShgbBKiz-6uxP6OGeS9kBHW0d-rpUAaMl2_g
  • Sheet name(s): All orders
  • Range: B1:I
  • Sheet name: example
  • Import Mode: replace
Google Sheets importer #2:
  • Spreadsheet URL: 1z2yS9uY5Zpp01qZ_opbaO7SnnehS9rknAZlJozXA7G4
  • Sheet name(s): All orders
  • Range: B1:I
  • Sheet name: example
  • Import Mode: append
Google Sheets importer #3:
  • Spreadsheet URL: 1iUwZDui3Q6mBpswPuU7e9NdvKwNGRA9A3JAhqFDMFbk
  • Sheet name(s): All orders
  • Range: B1:I
  • Sheet name: example
  • Import Mode: append

When both importers are ready, run them one by one. Meet your data:

  • Import data from multiple spreadsheets with

Note: This way of merging sheets from multiple spreadsheets can't work with the Automatic data refresh.

Cut off unnecessary rows of the imported data with the limit and offset QUERY clauses

The limit QUERY clause allows you to define the total number of rows (excluding the header) to be imported. The offset QUERY clause allows you to define how many rows to cut off from the top of the imported data range. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Limit and Offset.

Task #1:

  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Reduce the number of imported rows to 10 (excluding the header).

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example:

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9 Limit 10")
  • Cut off unnecessary rows of the imported data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Task #2:

  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Reduce the number of imported rows to 10 (excluding the header).
  • Skip five rows from the top of the spreadsheet we export data from (excluding the header).

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example:

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9 Limit 10 offset 5")
  • Cut off unnecessary rows of the imported data (Task 2)

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Change names of the imported columns with the label QUERY clause

The label QUERY clause allows you to change columns' names (headers). Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Label.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Reduce the number of imported rows to 10 (excluding the header).
  • Rename the headers of the imported columns:
    • Date of order => Time
    • Product => Sandwich
    • Quantity => How many
    • Total price => How much

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9 Limit 10 label Col2 'Time', Col5 'Sandwich', Col8 'How many', Col9 'How much'")
  • Change names of the imported columns

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Format values in the imported columns with the format QUERY clause

The format QUERY clause allows you to apply specific formats to imported columns. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Format.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Reduce the number of imported rows to 10 (excluding the header).
  • Format values in the B column to display month and year only.

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9 Limit 10 format Col2 'mmm-yyyy'")
  • Format values in the imported columns

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Import the filtered data with the where QUERY clause

The where QUERY clause allows you to filter rows in the imported columns based on set conditions. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Where.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet Orders from Airtable.
  • Filter the imported data by the following conditions:
    • the value in column I should be greater than or equal to 50.
    • the value in column E should start with the letter "S".

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9 where Col5 starts with 'S' and Col9>=50")
  • Import the filtered data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Sort the imported data with the order by QUERY clause

The order by QUERY clause allows you to sort data based on the chosen column in ascending/descending order. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Order By.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Filter the imported data by the column I where the values should be greater than or equal to 50.
  • Sort the imported data by the date of order (column B) in descending order

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,Col9 where Col9>=50 order by Col2 DESC")
  • Sort the imported data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Arithmetic operations with the imported data

You can add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/) columns from a spreadsheet and import the outcome as a separate column. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Arithmetic Operators.


  • Import columns E and I from the spreadsheet Orders from Airtable.
  • Multiply the Price (column G) by the Quantity (column H) and import the outcome as a separate column named "Calculated total price".

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col5,Col7*Col8,Col9 label Col7*Col8 'Calculated total price'")
  • Arithmetic operations with the imported data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Aggregation operations with the imported data

Within the select, order by, label, and format QUERY clauses, you can apply the following aggregation functions to the imported columns:

  • avg() – provides the average of all numbers in a column.
  • sum() – provides the sum of all numbers in a column.
  • count() – provides the quantity of items in a column (rows with empty cells are not calculated).
  • max() – provides the maximum value in a column.
  • min() – provides the minimum value in a column.

Aggregation functions are not applicable to where, group by, pivot, limit and offset QUERY clauses.

Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Aggregation Functions.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Provide the minimum value in column B.
  • Count the items in column E.
  • Provide the sum of all numbers in column H.
  • Provide the average of all values in column I.

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select min(Col2),count(Col5),sum(Col8),avg(Col9)")
  • Aggregation operations with the imported data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Scalar operations with the imported data

You can use scalar functions to convert imported parameters into a single value. For example, if you apply the year() scalar function, it will fetch the year value out of the YYYY-MM-DD format. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Scalar Functions.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Fetch the day of the week from date values in column B.
  • Replace all the letters with uppercase ones in column E.
  • Calculate the difference between the date of order and current time, and import the values in a separate column named "Time difference in days".

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select dayofweek(Col2),upper(Col5),Col8,Col9,dateDiff(Col2,now()) label dateDiff(Col2,now())'Time difference in days'")
  • Scalar operations with the imported data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Aggregate the imported data across rows with the group by QUERY clause

The group by QUERY clause allows you to group values across the selected data range based on a specific condition. The clause can be applied if an aggregation function has been used within the select clause. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Group By.


  • Import columns B, E, H and I from the spreadsheet, Orders from Airtable.
  • Summarize the Total price data (column I).
  • Group the aggregated values by the Product name (column E).
  • Sort the imported data by the grouped values (column E) in ascending order.

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select Col2,Col5,Col8,sum(Col9) Group by Col5,Col2,Col8 order by Col5")
  • Aggregate the imported data across rows

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

Aggregate the imported data and rotate rows into columns with the pivot QUERY clause

The pivot QUERY clause allows you to convert rows into columns, and vice versa, as well as aggregate, transform and group data by any field. The clause can be applied if an aggregation function has been used within the select QUERY clause. Check out more about Google Sheets Query: Pivot.


  • Import columns E and I from the spreadsheet Orders from Airtable.
  • Summarize the Total price data (column I).
  • Pivot the aggregated values by the Product name (column E).

QUERY+IMPORTRANGE formula example

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("","All orders!A:I"),   "select sum(Col9) pivot(Col5)")
  • Pivot aggregated data

You can check out the formula example in this tab.

To wrap up

Well, this was a pretty long journey, but you handled it! Now you know everything you can do with QUERY and IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets. Also, if you don't want to sink into formulas, or you need to automate data import, you can go with Whichever solution you prefer, good luck with your data activity, and here's hoping you never get #ERROR. 🙂

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Select * From 1vpaly2vf-wmzjm8yjd9gd8hzzkkdkcbvu81li-pb Where Col2 = '435'


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