What Is God's Real Phone Number

Creator Clearly Seen

God reveals Himself everywhere, all the time. He does not just whisper but shows Himself clearly for all to see, in an infinite number of ways. Our primary job as Christians is not to prove God's design of trees and other created things. Our goal is to point sinners back to the Creator who became the Savior.

Who Created God?

When Christians claim that the God of the Bible created all the basic entities of life and the universe, some will ask what seems to be a logical question, "Who created God?" By very definition, an eternal Being has always existed—nobody created Him. God is the Self-Existent One—the great "I Am" of the Bible.

God's Existence Shown in Nature

Humans are in awe when standing before creation, from the tremendous expanse of the universe to the infinitesimally tiny. When we see the enormous intelligence implanted in so-called unreasoning creatures, we appreciate that they are the result of the wisdom and power that designed them.

Do We Need the Bible to Prove God Exists?

Discarding the Bible, what evidence is there to make claim for the Christian God's existence over any other religious god? When you presuppose that the Bible must be "proven," any sort of evidence you see can be interpreted against the Bible. But Christians, who start with the presupposition that the Bible is true, can explain the evidence.

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    March 23, 2020

    Where disease comes from and how COVID-19 (coronavirus) and economic shutdowns highlight our own spiritual need to bring us close to God.

  • "It was clear in the episode that you believe in God. But I just don't understand how that is possible . . . . Do you at all agree with what I'm saying?"

  • This paper calls attention to a category of reality that provides powerful support for God's existence. Our focus is upon the phenomenon of language.

  • Oct. 21, 2016

    The skeptic's condemning cry often comes as, "Prove to me there is a God." Usually the agnostic or atheist expects physical or scientific evidence for the existence of God, but when the Bible believer cannot point to a living being and say, "There is God," the skeptic thinks he has won.

  • July 18, 2015

    Spider-Man cannot explain origins or why mankind is in a position to be able to think logically, do science, or have a consistent morality.

  • Feedback Article

    "You People Are Morons"

    Nathan Ham responds to an email that accuses us of being stupid, lazy, unscientific, and morons for believing in a young earth and the existence of God.

  • Magazine Department Article

    Losing God in the Forest

    When talking to others about our God, we don't have to get caught up in miniscule details that supposedly prove His existence.

  • Everyone knows there is a God. The evidence is all around us.

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  • Feedback Article

    Can We Prove God Without the Bible?

    Is there such a thing as a "neutral" starting point for evaluating God's existence? Should we try to prove the Bible, or let it speak for itself?

  • Book Chapter

    Is There Really a God?

    When Christians claim that the God of the Bible created all the basic entities of life and the universe, some will ask what seems to be a logical question: "Who created God?"

  • The universe obeys certain rules—laws to which all things must adhere. These laws are precise, and many of them are mathematical in nature.

  • "Does God Exist?"

    Feb. 13, 2001

    Whether by email, regular mail, phone call, or speaking engagement, there are several questions Answers in Genesis can predict will be asked at some point.

  • Magazine Article

    Is There Really a God? How Would You Answer?

    June 1, 1998 , pp. 32–34

    The Christian faith is a logically defensible faith. This is why the Bible makes it clear that anyone who does not believe in God is without excuse.

  • Magazine Article

    I Believe in God

    Sept. 1, 1990 , pp. 38–39

    I believe in God … And what else? The Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth? If you're an Anglican or Roman Catholic, you're likely to say you believe you have a Creator.

  • What Is God's Real Phone Number

    Source: https://answersingenesis.org/is-god-real/

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